Self confidence ( Your super power )

Hello people!!! It's chidera again here to bless you again with my words. I am sorry this post is coming late It took me quite a while to put the pieces of inspiration together and put down something beautiful. But you guys are really going to enjoy this one trust me. You know the mysteries of this world continue to suprise me in so many forms.There are a lot of things we need to learn and know to truly reach our full potential and become the hero's of our own story. Today I would be sharing my thoughts on what I consider as the greatest power we pocess that is SELF CONFIDENCE ... Okay short story!!!! I remember sometime in 2017 before my matriculation ceremony into the university. I went out with my mum to pick a dress. My mum picked out a dress for me and I also agreed that it was lovely, I put it on and it was a perfect fit, so why not, I bought it. We took it home I tried it on for my siblings to have a look, I stood there flaunti...