Dealing with self doubt!

Hey there !
Let me teach you a bit about Self doubt.

Everyone knows that SELF DOUBT means lacking confidence. It's simply just saying you think twice about doing stuff, because you feel  you don't have what it takes, you feel you are not good enough. It's that thing in you that keeps reminding you that you aren't GOOD ENOUGH!
     Now that's real ugly.
  We all have something in us that tells us we need to be more or something outside of ourselves to be satisfied and get stuff done, or to simply be Happy...
      Well, I've being there. Everyone has. Its just one of those things pretty much everyone has to go through and experience. And according to research and some feedback  I've gotten, there are positive sides to self doubt; it gives us room for improvement! Usually when you are told that you are not good enough it means you have to go back to work on yourself and get better, it means you have to Step up your game and all. So it actually has it's good sides too.
       But believe me when I say, SELF DOUBT does more harm than good.

       So in this blog post, I'm basically telling us a lot more about self doubt and how we can overcome it... 
     Earlier I told y'all about the positive side of self doubt, it's going to make you want to work on yourself and do better. But most times no matter how hard you try to get better, you are still don't believe in yourself, I mean you can be perfection and still see a fault. So no matter how hard you try self doubt is still going to tell you NO! YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH (can you imagine the level of disrespect???). I personally feel that it tries to tell us that we can't be us, it lays emphasis on the shitty fact that we need to be something completely different to get stuffs done or be Happy. This is something we need to look into and correct.

      So for you to overcome self doubt you need to be enlightened about some of it's tricks. You don't know about them that's why you remain it's victim. It's time to Overcome! Shall we?

      Self doubt is going to tell you:
  • YOU ARE NOT PERFECT... you are way too old to be falling for that honestly. Nobody is perfect!!! You can go ahead comparing your life to every other person, and soon, you would discover that everyone has that crooked corner. The world is a beautiful place because it is filled with imperfect people created by a Perfect God. So just do your thing honestly. Embrace the mess that you are and do everything that makes you happy and moves your heart. 
  • It makes you want to compare your story. Now listen the sooner this sinks the better "you are on a different journey and you have a different story". Stop checking up on the lives of others and comparing it to yours. Learn to FOCUS ON YOURSELF and water your own grass, do things that are important to you and make sure you are growing daily. 
  • Ummm... there's this thing it does, it makes you want to seek peoples apprasial. You would wonder "would they like me", "would I get a lot of likes and comments?". Now listen up honey, that kind of mentality wouldn't take you far in life. It is important to do things that you want to do, not caring if people like it or not. YOUR MOTIVATION SHOULD NOT COME FROM OTHER PEOPLE OR EXTERNAL THINGS . Train yourself to allow your motivation come from within you and watch your life transform 🌱.
  • It's also going to remind your of your PAST. I may not know what your past has been like, But I know the future has a lot for you. So look to the future where there is Life and Hope.
It goes on and on but these could help you out.

     Now that you know it's tricks, you are definetly doing to be able to outsmart it. So next time it comes crawling to you with it's nonsense
You're gonna slap it in the face and say  "Nope! not today, not ever because  I AM ENOUGH ".
And that's how you conquer (overcome) self doubt.

Tip of the day:
  Positive affirmations help you ascend !!!! When you believe you can handle things, everything works out and falls in place. Say good and postive things to yourself and about yourself (SPEAK YOUR BLESSINGS INTO EXISTENCE) and watch yourself transform.

Most Importantly 

Yeah, it's clichΓ© and all, but it goes a long way !!!! (Trust me).

I hope I have being able to impact 🌱

You know the drilll 

 Comment, let me see what you think;
Suscribe, because I know you like what you see;
And most Importantly, share this to everyone you know.

I  know I can do all things through christ who lives in me... ( phillipians 4:13)

You can definetly do all things because of Christ who lives in you...

                                                   Chideerah ❤

Ps: How did you overcome self doubt? Please share in the comment section below πŸ€—








  1. This is beautiful chidera
    Nice job😌❤

  2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Self doubt is something I battle with everyday ....but I've began to see myself in a new light.

  4. This is nice hun. Self-doubt will truly not take you anywhere in life. It could just be the devil playing tricks on your mind but we are all more than enough. Everybody has the potential to be great, if only we can believe in ourselves and get out of our shadows.

  5. This really helped me. Thank you

  6. This is so nice....I needed this.Thanks lovee


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