It's just one life. 🌈

Hey there!

   A lot is happening in our world today,  changing the way we live our life and teaching us a lot of stuff! Like honestly, a lot has being learnt in these times (people are learning to be  more careful and healthier, some have learnt Gratitude, and a multitide have learnt to trust God! So everyone is picking up a thing or two from all this.

   I was talking to my friend the other day, she was telling me how she is making plans to finally start a Clothing line she had always wanted to have. I was really shocked and suprised, so I laughed and was like "Baby girl, you're still on that! I thought you lost interest in that a long time ago". Then she was like "Honestly I thought did, but these qurantine times made me realize a lot". And coming to actually think of it, now that everyone is quarantined, a lot of people are suddenly doing what they have always wanted to do! (I mean my sister finally started taking her Art seriously) Yeah I get there is a whole lot of time right now (so why not) or maybe they realizing that they may never get the chance to do so again. It's flipping Crazy how there are a lot of things people want to do/achieve with their lives, but just find it hard to take the first step! They keep postpoing it for "later", but in real sense they don't know how to start or they lack the courage.
   Life is really about doing the things you've always wanted and being the person you've always wanted to be. Life is about pursuing those things that set your heart ablaze.
    Look, life is short! you have to let that sink in so you can understand what I am bringing to the table today. We all have that one thing you wanna do, or that person we want to become; It's high time we start make these things happen.

   Now, what is life?

    A lot of us have our different views on that - I mean it can go on and on, but one thing we all should keep in mind is that LIFE IS A BIG DEAL !!! Life is God's Greatest gift to all of humanity. Like there is a more to life than you and I know about and the sooner we start realizing this, the better.

    I really do beleive that God's reason for making  humans, is not only to make heaven, but to make the best use of life (and live it to the fullest ref. John 10:10). People feel life goes in a particular way, or in a certain order (well it does) but it is important to live and not just exist, don't just move through life, but let life move through you.

 A Quote says:
  "Courage means being able to live life wholely and fully"and that hit me hard.
     Living life wholly means living the life of your dreams, it's about living the life you've always wanted. When people remind you of the concept YOLO it's just to bring one thing to your mind   "Live life fully" it's reminding you to make the best use of this sweet opportunity.
     Courage and Bravery are extremely needed to live life wholly, we all know that part of life,that scares us and makes us unable to make the best use of this opportunity. Life is basically about facing your fears! Move out of your comfort zone and explore; break all those boundaries and live the life you deserve! Our problem as humans is that we always feel something is holding us back. Well I would like to let y'all know that nothing holds you back but yourself. (A lot you would think I'm not being realstic ) but I actually am. You see, life is a lot of things - it can be beautiful, terrible, sad, unfair,...anything really!But keep in mind that life is what you make it! It all depends on you. You don't get the chance to control what happens, your power lies in how you handle it. You see what I am mean when I say you're the only thing holding yourself down. THE TIME IS NOW!!! Stop waiting for tommorrow or next month or next week or when you are older; stop waiting for later, If you can do it now!
    So go after the life you've always wanted, live life to do the fullest! I am not only talking about the high stands of life like ambition and all that. I am talking about everything in general from the biggest thing to the smallest thing. The little things that mean so much to you, and you know they can change your life DO THEM!!!!.


      You might have not known all this or maybe you never had the courage to; But now you know better and all that is happening right now in the world has made you realize a lot.

It's never too late to go after the life of your dreams 🎈

Remember :

    So when are finally out of our cages and it's safe to go outside again, Let's start seeing life as an opportunity and learn to make the most out of it!

  Truth be told:
        Life is Beautiful
         God is the Greatest
           He did a wonderful job 🌈

I know this hit you at some point, I would be bringing a lot more to the table this year (God helping me).

    Don't forget to comment and suscribe if you like what you see, most importantly keep reading 🤗 

                                                          Chideerah ❤

PS: This life na one! Stay happy, dey Jeje







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