Hope... ( keep breathing)

I am here again! I wouldn't say that I am going to blow your minds, but to let you see things clearly and to leave your heart fulfilled today. So where to start from..... At the beginning of this year I gave y'all a new year motivation basically talking about the gift of a brand new day and why we should appreciate life a little bit more, so that's what I am talking about today. I am leaving a little encouraging message about hope. We have a lot to be grateful for you know. Life is a pricless gift and God has really given us all we need. We need to be grateful for the fact that we are alive because no matter how bad life might be, the fact that we are still breathing means a lot more than you know. Yeah, I get life is not perfect and I may not even understand what you have been through or what you have been putting up with, but I would like you to know that there is always hope. A saying I admire a lot go...