Hope... ( keep breathing)

I am here again!
I wouldn't say that I am going to blow your minds, but to let you see things clearly and to leave your heart fulfilled today.
      So where to start from.....

    At the beginning of this year I gave y'all a new year motivation basically talking about the gift of a brand new day and why we should appreciate life a little bit more, so that's what I am talking about today. I am leaving a little encouraging message about hope.

     We have a lot to be grateful for you know. Life is a pricless gift and God has really given us all we need. We need to be grateful for the fact that we are alive because no matter how bad life might be, the fact that we are still breathing means a lot more than you know. Yeah, I get life is not perfect and I may not even understand what you have been through or what you have been putting up with, but I would like you to know that there is always hope.

     A saying I admire a lot goes like this;
               "Where there is life, there is hope".

    As long as you are still alive, your story can change. The fact that God keeps waking you up is a sign that he is not done with you yet.
  Hope teaches us that it's not about how it has been, but how it could be.

A lot may be going through your mind...
 You would think, life is hard and there aren't a lot of things to hold on to... But honey trust me there are so much! It could be your family, it could be your friends, it could be a loved one, it could be something you love doing, it could be the beautiful views in life, it could even be enjoying all the tasty food life has to offer.    
       If none of these work for you, it could simply be hope.
  Yes, you can hold on to hope (she wouldn't fail you)

  Remember, each time that you are about to give up that there is hope, it has always been there and would always be with us. It can change your story in the time in days to the days in weeks to the weeks in months to the months in years into something beautiful.

This life is beautiful. I hope we all get to experience it .
Things are only going to get better hold on to hope and keep breathing.

I can bet anytime that I have left your heart fulfilled today.

Don't forget to comment let me see what you think. Do suscribe because I know you love what you see .

   I wish you better days ahead which hope brings.


Ps: The next time we meet here again, Imma blow your minds.



  1. Wow, really nice one Chidera

  2. Baby girl! steady making me proud. My number 1 inspiration since day one..xxx

  3. You go girl 💗🤗


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