Be Happy ( The real stuff)

Hello people!
Here I am again. In my last post I said that you all would be seeing me more in 2019 so I'm trying my best to keep to my words. Here I am again to bless the days you have ahead with the lesson I am about to teach you today.
   God our Creator has made each and everyone complete and whole in a way that was meant for them. This means that all you have and all you are in this life is indeed perfect, there is no need to be in need of more.
But looking at our world today we are never satisfied, humans are always in the habit of needing more than what we already have, and once they are not getting what they want, it turns into sadness and worries, they feel that they are not enough, or they are not living up to expectations. This is exactly what kills us. We must always recognize the fact that we are enough and we are worth everything, have no desire to be like anyone else . Be Happy with who you are and all that God has given you. God himself said "my child be free from the love of money and be contended with all that you have". Appreciate all that you have and are in this life because it is what is meant for you.

   Humans need to realize that peace lies within. We are the ones to make the decision to be Happy, we must recognize that life is not perfect and focus on all the positivity and good in your life. In life, we should learn to let go of all the sadness and worries and focus on the brighter side of our lives because the truth is there is no better you than who you are and there is no better life than the one you have, you get only one shot to live Your living your best life so Embrace it and choose to be HAPPY.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who's stronger, smarter, prettier or richer. The only thing that matters is if you are Happy or not.

Thank you for reading I hope I have being able help you with my words. If you like what you see please suscribe to my blog so that you would get notifications when I post again Thank you!.
 I wish you Happy and beautiful days ahead.

Love from chideerah ❤



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