The Beauty of music

    Hello beautiful people!
It's chidera again Here to bless you with my words.
Now today we are going to explore the heartbeat of art, one of the most beautiful things God gave us is MUSIC. I can assume that a lot might be going on in your head right now and you're like what about music. It may not sound like there is much to talk about, but trust me there is a lot to understand . Music is everything, come to think of it a world without  music can be seen as a world with no life, a life with no colour, beauty, excitement.
Yup! That's a world with no life.
      And it is true that the beauty of music is experienced by all. Music is what we all feel in our hearts and it speaks to us in different ways .It's the power of that little tune or inspiring sound and feeling that makes us do incredible things, it has that motivating rhythm that makes us feel like that there is nothing that we can't do .Music is indeed a beautiful thing and goes deeper than you can ever think .It is a divine gift from heaven above . A friend of mine once told me that music expresses anything and I agree with her more than ever
Music has a way of getting to us in every form it reaches us in every mood we are in when we are happy or down because it is connected to our souls . There is Quote which says that when everything is gone music stays to help clear our mind and lift our spirit with music we can never be alone . When the world may not understand and things come crashing it takes you away and makes you feel alive again.

        So I believe that Music is everything and can be a beautiful companion in life .
So what I have to leave with you all today is always enjoy and experience one of the best thing that life has to offer  .... ( Music)
         Thank you for reading I hope you learnt something if you like what you see please do subscribe to my blog so you would get notifications when I post again. Thank you!!!
May the music help make life beautiful for you
                                        Love from chideerah ❤



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