The beauty of a woman

   A Great woman once said the beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode rather the beauty of a woman is reflected in her soul.

       Basically a woman can be seen as a person created in the image and likeness of God but made from man's rib.
To know a vitrious woman is determined by her relationship with God.
 In the book of Peter, God says that your beauty should not come from  wearing fine apparel, fine gold, or ornament rather let it come from the hidden spirit of the heart with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is seen as beauty in the sight of God.

The Real beauty of a woman is not determined by looking into a mirror, It comes from looking deep inside oneself to discover what makes up the heart because that's where the true beauty of a woman lies. The true beauty of a woman is not determined by her outward apperance rather it comes from what she possesses. Truly a woman should be beautiful in and out.

True beauty is not about dress up there  are other things you need to know, and it's not about dress up they are other things that can make you glow. It's  really about the struggle to get to the top of it all.

Beyonce said:
We have to reshape the perception of how we view ourselves. As women we need to rise up and take the lead.
 This is because beauty comes from confidence. It's all about what you think of yourself . It's about being yourself loving yourself and believing in your own potential.
The True beauty of a woman is not reflected in her figure , what she wears or how she combs her hair. To see the true beauty of a woman you must look into her soul and search deep within her heart.

The Beauty of a woman grows with the passing of years.


       Here is to all the beautiful ladies out there 💕💕💕

                                              Chideerah ❤





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