Keep doing you !!!

Hey you!
      I think's its a beautiful thing that the same God that made everything looked at the world and saw a reason to make YOU. I mean, that's enough reason to be proud . It's reminds you that you are here for a reason, that is why it's important for you to stay true to who you are and just be yourself, that way you are giving your reason a meaning.
         Comparism is what kills us! But it's only normal because humans are always in the habit of needing more than what they have already, that's because no one wants to miss out on anything, everyone wants to be winning one way or the another. But I need you to understand that we can't all be the same, it wouldn't make sense. The world is a beautiful place, because it's filled with different people having different personalities and being themselves. Our differences is what makes life Beautiful. DON'T COMPARE YOUR STORY WITH OTHERS! we are all different people with different destines heading to different destinations ( You story is what makes you unique ).
        Never be ashamed of who you are!

        Never stop being yourself trying to impress someone or society!

         Never be afraid to be yourself !

Remember you are here for a reason and you are a blessing to all of creation.

             KEEP DOING YOU!!!!!

      I trust my words to bless you and brigthen up the rest of your life.
         Don't forget to comment let me see what you think and subscribe cause I know you love what you see.

                                                     Chideerah ❤

Ps: I am not quite back yet πŸ˜‚πŸ€—



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