It's a wrap people !!!

 Hey people!
 Finally, it's the end of the year !!

     So far so great! This post is basically talking about some of the lessons learnt in 2019 . We live and we learn, so it's good to highlight the lessons we learnt at each point to guide our actions, decisions, and choices in the years to come.
       So I did a survey asking my friends on what 2019 taught them, and the feedback was Great! I noticed a lot of similar replies: some people talked about how this year taught them self-reliance, and not to depend on anyone or expect a lot from others!(this one was pretty loud); some said it opened their eyes to what life is really all about - emphasizing the fact that life ain't a bed of roses; it taught some pain and difficult times, they felt like nothing was getting better (but eventually, it ended in joy). It made people realize that tough times and storms are inevitable - it is how you handle it that makes the difference. It made people learn to seize every opportunity (kind of like emulate Nike's "Just do it") and to be intentional about your decisions, relationships and habits. "Risks must be taken", they said. Some talked about relationships, they said: "make sure you never settle for less than what you deserve, or the wrong things, just cause you don't want to hurt anyone". It made people tolerate others better; understand people's point of view. It taught them understanding, it taught patience and strength. A lot saw the benefits of hard work ( hard work beats talent they say). Some learnt that happiness comes from no one but  themselves; others found peace in simply being themselves. And for most people, they realized that God was the only way out.  A friend of mine literally just said "sometimes you need to take a step backward and two steps forward (now that's something to think about). The year taught some the wonders of knowledge, preparedness and chance... I mean, I can go on and on about all the feedback, but the bottom line is that 2019 taught everyone a thing or two. It changed our perception of things. Personally, 2019 taught me not to care so much about what people think and to focus on my own happiness. But most importantly, it taught me friendship.
            We all learnt something this year. It might have being heartbreaking or heart warming, but at least now you know better. Lessons are like tools you use to navigate life, so the lessons we've learnt so far goes a long way in helping us in 2020 and the years to come.
          Well that's it!

          I am really grateful for how far I have come with this blog this year (at least you can be rest assured that I fulfilled my promise to be more active this year), and I really appreciate all the love and support I have gotten from every one of you. Thanks for all the comments, thanks for subscribing, thanks for helping my blog grow by sharing :) , and thanks for simply reading. I really hope that at some point, along the way, I was able to put a smile on your face somehow. I would be back in 2020 bigger and better by God's Grace.

         The next decade is going to beautiful for you and for me too. I just know it.

                                                                                                                        - Chideerah

PS: I'd love to hear about what 2019 taught you in the comment section below.





  1. Hey! Thank you for this post. May God continue to bless you. 2019 has been a rollercoaster and it has taught me that I have to always make myself number one in my life. I am responsible for all my actions and that I should never let anyone make me feel inferior. 2020 is going to be a great year.

    1. I am glad it taught you a lot at least you would be able to live life better than you did.
      I am always at your service, I would keep writing and putting smiles on faces by God's Grace .
      Thanks for reading ❤
      And Amen to your prayer 😊

  2. Hey thank you for this piece. God bless you.
    This year taught me to always trust Hod and be faithful, the word of the Lord came to me the day before Christmas and it said "Don't envy wicked people, all they think about is evil, and their wealth is an abomination, even though the sons of God fall seven(7) times they'll still get up, by once the wicked falls that's the end.
    Once again thank you and see more of your posts next year. Your blog was really a blessing this year.

    1. Thank you so much for reading ❤

      I would keep doing the good work by God's Grace! and even Greater things

      This messages means a lot 😊💃

  3. Baby girl 2019 taught me a whole lot. It taught me trust, not to expect too much from others, how temporal life is, how not to put all your eggs in one basket and a lot more


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