Faith over fear 🌻

" Whatever the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve".

       Hello beautiful people!
 So, I would be sharing a little article with you all today. It's something I am still learning and trying to master and it's one sure way of making the human journey a beautiful one.  (Trust me)

        Humans are God's greatest creation, like seriously, he took time and did a lot of wonders in the creation of man. You see,the human mind is powerful. we must learn to realize the power of our mind : "Whatever the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve".
It all depends on you and your mindset, we actually have the power to change situations.

 our minds are alligned with the universe, so what ever you believe would happen, eventually happens. It's really an amazing thing. You see, you and I possess so much power and most times we tend to forget when those hard times come, well it's not our fault it's only in the human nature, to worry about everything going on and that's the irony of life... The superheroes  are not aware of their powers, so they constantly let the vilians win instead of saving the day like it should be.

        Learn to have faith in every situation, although it is only human to fear and worry and it is divine to believe and have faith that things work out perfectly.  Learn to choose Faith over fear! It's not really something that you master so quckily, it might take a little while, but you need to put in conscious effort. Train your mindset to see the good in every situation, Especially when it feels like it's really slim remember everything happens for a reason! Trust the process.

    So when hard times come again, don't forget that it's your atitude that determimes how things would work out. Someone once told me
"Nobody and Nothing dictates your mood or your life, except yourself" (that's too good to know)
   So now that you have learnt something new, apply it in the days ahead of you and watch everything work out for you.

Fear is there to challenge your faith it's really beautiful how you can make achieve the impossible by simply believing things work out. Ask God for help when things don't go as planned, learn to adjust and see the good in every situation.

  I would leave this Quote here;

"Ego says feel complete when everything falls in place, but faith says feel complete and everything would fall in place."

   Now that's something to think about.



This message is from my heart to yours🌈

                                                  Chideerah ❤

Ps: I am not quite back yet, and btw Happy new year πŸ’ƒ




  1. Replies
    1. I am glad I was able to impact πŸ’ƒ
      Thanks for reading ❤

    2. I am glad I was able to Impact πŸ’ƒ

      Thanks for reading ❤

  2. I am glad I was able to impact πŸ’ƒ

    Thanks for reading ❤


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