It's just one life. 🌈
Hey there! A lot is happening in our world today, changing the way we live our life and teaching us a lot of stuff! Like honestly, a lot has being learnt in these times (people are learning to be more careful and healthier, some have learnt Gratitude, and a multitide have learnt to trust God! So everyone is picking up a thing or two from all this. I was talking to my friend the other day, she was telling me how she is making plans to finally start a Clothing line she had always wanted to have. I was really shocked and suprised, so I laughed and was like "Baby girl, you're still on that! I thought you lost interest in that a long time ago". Then she was like "Honestly I thought did, but these qurantine times made me realize a lot". And coming to actually think of it, now that everyone is quarantined, a lot of people are suddenly doing what they have always wanted to do! (I mean my sister finally started taking her Art seriously) Yeah I get there ...