
Showing posts from April, 2020

It's just one life. 🌈

Hey there!    A lot is happening in our world today,  changing the way we live our life and teaching us a lot of stuff! Like honestly, a lot has being learnt in these times (people are learning to be  more careful and healthier, some have learnt Gratitude, and a multitide have learnt to trust God! So everyone is picking up a thing or two from all this.    I was talking to my friend the other day, she was telling me how she is making plans to finally start a Clothing line she had always wanted to have. I was really shocked and suprised, so I laughed and was like "Baby girl, you're still on that! I thought you lost interest in that a long time ago". Then she was like "Honestly I thought did, but these qurantine times made me realize a lot". And coming to actually think of it, now that everyone is quarantined, a lot of people are suddenly doing what they have always wanted to do! (I mean my sister finally started taking her Art seriously) Yeah I get there ...

Just breathe 😴

Holla Amigos ( lol)  Today I would be discussing what most of us fail to do! And I would be hitting the nail on the head to ensure you grab my point.          The truth is everyone wants to make the best out of life! Everyone wants to enjoy the ride with a lot of bumps on the way. No matter how much you plan, life always has plans too !   And when you cannot adjust to it, it leads to stress of different kinds it might even affect your mental health. The ability to adjust to the plans of life is a neccessary skill for humans, because you would need it a lot on the way.      You cannot change the stuff that happens to you, but at least you get to choose how to handle it. Yeah I get that life can hit you hard sometimes, and it is going to be pretty hard to adjust and all. I just need you to remember that the best kind of people smile in chaos, they hold their peace, breathe and keep moving! It's crazy and quite difficult but it ...

Talk about it 🎀

Hey y'all Today I would be sharing one of my latest discoveries. I saw this picture recently that says:                       •          •          •          • IN OTHER TO HEAL FROM ANY KIND OF PAIN YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT FEW DO - TALK ABOUT IT ( EVEN IF IT'S JUST TO THE AIR    TALK ABOUT IT ...     WHISPER IT..       DRIFT IT OUT OF YOUR BEING).                      •          •          •          •      I could releate a lot to it and I decided to share because I know this can help someone a whole lot because it helped me.      I can testify that this works a lot and can help you out of any situation. We all have one thing or the other battling w...

A step at a time 👣

Hello Everyone! I hope y'all are surviving and coping with life! Everything is only going to get better Trust me! It's being a while. I have being trying to figure and sort things out on ways to move forward here, I was just carried away with that and didn't even realize that I putting my blog on hold and leaving y'all hanging........ Well, My bad So I'm back now! And today I would be sharing a life changing lesson that I have learnt.       You see, every person has a plan! We all have visions and dreams for ourselves and we know the kind of lives we want to live and all that. We all know where we want to be at every point in life. And most times things don't always go as planned.     Personally I am not where I want to be ( honestly it breaks my heart anytime I think about it). when I medidate about it, a lot comes to mind ( I would be like, maybe I am working my but out like others or something, sometimes I even think it's not attainable. A lot ...