A step at a time 👣

Hello Everyone!

I hope y'all are surviving and coping with life!
Everything is only going to get better Trust me!
It's being a while. I have being trying to figure and sort things out on ways to move forward here, I was just carried away with that and didn't even realize that I putting my blog on hold and leaving y'all hanging........ Well, My bad

So I'm back now!

And today I would be sharing a life changing lesson that I have learnt.

      You see, every person has a plan! We all have visions and dreams for ourselves and we know the kind of lives we want to live and all that. We all know where we want to be at every point in life. And most times things don't always go as planned.
    Personally I am not where I want to be ( honestly it breaks my heart anytime I think about it). when I medidate about it, a lot comes to mind ( I would be like, maybe I am working my but out like others or something, sometimes I even think it's not attainable. A lot move through my head honestly!) So the other day I was with my sister. We were doing our chores, and then I just stopped and started blabbing about my problems and she was like :
"Guyy you are rushing all these things, honestly; Don't you know you need to start from somewhere??"
Then she told me a story; about a guy who wanted to start a large scale frozen foods business. So he started by getting a job in a frozen food company, working as an apprentice; then he saved enough money to open a little store for himself. A lot of people admired his work ethics and it attracted a lot of customers, some even sponsored him when he finally had enough money to start the large scale bussiness of his dreams, his company became the most highly recommend in his area. But then I thought, he should have just gotten a loan from the bank, started his business and saved himself the stress. Then I realized that he might as well have no consumers and go bankrupt because of lack of experience or something  and may end up trying to borrow money to pay back the loan or may end up in jail (lol).

This actually made me realize something. A lot of us care more about the ending than the actual story . It was clear to me that I really just wanted the easy way out ( well everyone does) but my point is, if you really want to get something worthwhile, you need to take the long road! Nothing good actually comes easy. So we need to take it one step at a time, it's not about  how fast you get to where you want to be, but the conscious efforts you make in order to get there. The truth is, most times it's going to feel really discouraging when it feels your efforts are not yielding any result, you would want to give up but remember that  " You owe it to yourself to be the person you've always wanted to be" that should keep you going.

Your dreams aren't worthless or unattainable! You can achieve them, take it easy on yourself and take it one step at a time.

 Slow progress is still progress. You may not  get it now, but that's what the future would make you understand as long as you don't quit.

So, I have learnt to take it easy and put in conscious effort and watch life unfold for me. Y'all should really do the same. Take it easy with yourself, learn to breathe, and relax!  Be proud of every little step you take to get there. Your story is different from any other persons  you must realize that fact! You are unique because of your story, so embrace it!

DON'T BE STAGNANT! Try each day to be one step ahead to get to where you want to be. I get consistency ain't easy, and some days it's going to be really hard to push yourself; but I hope you still keep going, because you deserve the life of your dreams .

Take it one step at a time! Remember it takes a lot more time to build a palace than an ordinary building ...

I hope this changes your life !

Do suscribe to my blog, because I know you like what you see. Comment, let me see what you think. Incase you want to contact me, fill the form at the left side of the blog. Most importantly READ and share. We get to actually figure out life by taking it one lesson at a time.

     This message is from my heart to yours

                                           -  Chideerah❤

Ps: Enjoy staying home with your family this period!! ( I get some parents are super annoying ).  And some are going through a lot because they have broken homes.
But I really hope everyone would be able to make the best out of this moment.



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